Hi I’m Steve’s dog Sailor. A Chesapeake
Bay Retriever by birth, I am stubborn and
a loudmouth. Sometimes I see things that
I just don’t agree with and feel as though
I must speak out about them. Oh the
topics are many and I hope you like what
I have to say, but if you don’t well too bad.
Remember I’m just a dog.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Getting Sick in America.

I recently got real sick and couldn’t eat and didn’t feel very good. When my master Steve took me to the doctor she discovered a very big tumor in my stomach. “It is no wonder the dog doesn’t feel very well” she said and told Steve I would need an operation. The doctor took a 6 1/2 pound tumor out of my stomach and sewed me back up. She then called Steve and told him that I would survive and should do well but I had to be careful and recover slowly. The bill for my hospital stay was over $1000 and although Steve did not have any animal medical insurance he was able to pay the bill even though we now have to eat hamburger instead of organic steak.
The point of my speaking out on this is that I live in the richest most powerful country in the history of the world, with the best medical care available anywhere and if you don’t have medical insurance, which is very expensive I’m told, you are probably not going to be able to afford most of that care. Most of the people and animals that don’t have this insurance are also so poor that they have a hard time affording good quality food and medicine so they get sick more of the time and still don’t get the care they should receive in the richest and most powerful country in the world. It makes me wonder why this is and what can we do about it.
If a country as great as the U.S.of A. can spend $405 billion on the military defense of our citizens this year from foreign threats, what about the defense of the health and care for the nations needy and sick.
I was listening to the radio the other day and I heard on a talk show that the U.S has 13 aircraft carrier battle groups and no other country has even one. Why do we need 13? The speaker said that if we retired just one battle group with up two 10 ships in the group, the money we could save every year would fund health insurance for the uninsured in this country. Was this speaker right, I want to know? What could be more important then the health and well being of our neediest citizens. Why is this never discussed except on some out of the way radio show. Is the real defense of our country to project our absolute power far from our shores? What would George Washington and John Paul Jones say about that? What did Dwight D. Eisenhower say about this in his farewell state of the union speech? He said to beware the influence of the military/industrial complex on our affairs of state.
We should heed his advice.

1 comment:

Tremere said...

Steve, I just read Sailor's blog. I t is very good. It must be really great to have such a smart dog. The reason I am writing is, I really think you should post this particular item on health care on facebook. It is so true, and needed to be said. And it needs to be read as well.
Hope you are well. It was great to see and hear you again.
Be well,